Cover Pink

Many nails are uneven or have variations such as stains. Often, these deviations can negative notice in the nails and make the result isn't completely perfect. Stains on the nail appear through the gel and have a negative impact on a nail modeling should be naturally. Those days are finally over. We have developed a gel that quasi simply magic away this problem and makes the stains invisible. You will be amazed how quickly and reliably this gel covered spots on the nail and disappear. Just exactly the way how it a good makeup expected. Visually, the nail bed can be extended through the gel. Don't miss this high-quality gel and can also benefit from our experience of the manufacturer. Stains on fingernails, which bring a not satisfactory result in the nail modeling with them, finally belong to the past with this gel. The gel can be processed very well and is a perfect consistency. The gels are available in tones of Light Pink, Dark Rose or Natural Peach skin tones to choose from. No matter what color you choose, reliably covers the nails.