Flat Design Nail Art / Theme: SEA LIFE "Underwater Eden"
[Rules] FLAT DESIGN Nail Art
- All work must be down by hand painting only, using any airbrush, stamping or any pre-printed designs are prohibited. You may use: Art gel, Gel-polish, Aquarelle water paint, Acrylic paint.
If tips do not meet the requirements, the design may be disqualified or receive a point deduction.
- Competitors may submit more than one entry but must pay a registration fee for each entry. If submitting more than one entry.
- All entries must consist of a set of 10 individual manufacturer tips. They must be from a manufacturer box. The length must be no longer than 4” in length and no wider than 3/4” if they were flattened out. Tips must be graduated in size (like normal salon nail graduated). Finished tips must be wearable. Tips must remain looking individual but may be secured to one another. Design may encompass all 10 tips as a picture. If tips do not meet the requirements, the design may be disqualified or receive a point deduction.
- The theme for each FLAT DESINGS Nail Art competition must consist across all 10 tips. • JOHENS ® Competitions 2024 Theme: Sea Life “Underwater Eden”
- Tip original color does NOT matter. Top coat, UV gel sealant but no glitter gel may be used.
The surface of the tips must be flush, no raised surface!
- Embellishments or adornments not allowed to used. NO molds may be used to assist with any design. We will ask recorded video of your process.
- NO Copyrighted art is allowed at any time. Penalties will be given at judges’ discretion and possible disqualification may be incurred. Competitors may use a similar version of copyrighted art, design, or logo but they must not be identical to the original. If artwork does not follow criteria judges will determine point deductions.
- Competitors must prepare and submit a written statement in two parts in English: one telling the story of your interpretation of the theme, and one detailing the products and processes used to create the art (do NOT name specific brands or manufacturers). Failure to provide this information will result in a 5-point in overall score. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME.
- FLAT DESINGS Nail Art will be judged in the following categories: originality, visual interest, color harmony, presentation, balance, design & detail, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, tip width & length, and theme
- Any FLAT DESING Nail Art design that has already participated at any competition cannot be reused by the competitor or copied by other competitors in subsequent any competitions. The JOHENS® competition staff reserves the right to disqualify any design it considers too similar to any previous competition design.
[Judging Criteria] FLAT DESINGS Nail Art
Judge 1
Originality - 5 Points
- the design is innovative (new and original)
- the design is unique (different from other designs we have seen in the past and from other entries)
- the design exceeds expectation of originality
Visual Interest - 5 Points
- the design captures your attention
- the design holds your attention
- the design continues to draw your attention to new details
Color - 10 Points
- the colors enhance the design
- the colors complement each other
- the colors represent the theme
Judge 2
Balance - 10 Points
- various elements of the design are well-balanced, neither too sparse or too busy
- the sum of the design is in harmony with the parts of the whole design
Design and Detail - 10 Points
- the design enhances the theme
- the design is well thought out
- the detail of design is clean and precise
- the design has adequate detail
Judge 3
Complexity - 10 Points
- the design is challenging, demanding skill and effort
- the design involves multiple techniques
- the complexity relates to the theme
Workmanship - 10 Points
- the overall quality of the work demonstrates outstanding artistic skills
- the workmanship is neat, clean, and precise
- the theme is well represented
Judge 4
Tip Length - 5 Points
- the tips are graduated in length and size
- the length of tips must be no linger than 3"
- the width may be no wider than 3/4" if they were flattened out
Theme - 10 Points
- the theme is obvious and completely developed
- the theme is continued on all 10 nails
- the design enhances the theme
Presentation - 5 Points
- the entry is presented within the Flat Painting Nail Art Rules
- the entry is presented as if it were a special piece of art
- care was taken to make this presentation neat and clean
- written statement is included and is complete and understandable
Scoring Guide
10 = Flawless
9 = Almost Flawless
8 = Very Good
7 = Good
6 = Above Average
5 = Average
4 = Below Average
3 = Poor
2 = Very Poor
1 = Unacceptable
Scoring Guide
5 = Flawless
4 = Very Good
3 = Average
2 = Below Average
1 = Very Poor
Veteran 1st prize = $300 JOHENS® Gift Card
Veteran 2nd prize = $200 JOHENS® Gift Card
Veteran 3rd prize = $100 JOHENS® Gift Card
Novice 1st prize = $300 JOHENS® Gift Card
Novice 2nd prize = $200 JOHENS® Gift Card
Novice 3rd prize = $100 JOHENS® Gift Card
Newbie 1st prize = $200 JOHENS® Gift Card
Newbie 2nd prize = $100 JOHENS® Gift Card
Newbie 3rd prize = $50 JOHENS® Gift Card
Online registration until Sept 15 by e-mail: info@johens.com
Registration fee payment here: CLICK
If you have any questions please contact us: info@johens.com